How Many Meals A Day Should An Elderly Person Eat?

A good way to improve the health of an elderly person is to prepare a variety of delicious meals.

But how many meals a day should an elderly person eat? Most elderly people should eat 3 well balanced meals a day. This provides them with the energy they need to stay active, as well as the nutrients their bodies require. Eating smaller, more frequent meals can lead to indigestion and other problems.

It’s also important to make sure that elderly people are drinking enough water and avoiding excessive snacking, as this can also lead to health problems.

If you’re looking for a comprehensive meal plan and recipes to aid in weight loss, check out the NOOM Diet For Seniors book.

If you want to know more about the number of meals an elderly person eat to stay healthy, continue reading. 

Number of Meals an Elderly Person Should Eat

In addition to three well-balanced meals a day, seniors should also have several snacks throughout the day. Choosing foods from all food groups at each meal will help the senior’s appetite grow and keep him or her satisfied throughout the day. Here are the meals an elderly person should eat.


It is the most important meal for seniors. Every elderly person should eat a proper breakfast to stay healthy and fit. You can add nutritious foods like oats, milk, fruits, juices, yogurt, nuts as well as eggs for breakfast. You can either have a heavy breakfast or a lighter meal. If you are eating a small portion of breakfast, add healthy snacks in between. For example, you can eat fruits one or two hours before lunch to stay full. 


Another important meal of the day for elderly people is lunch. One such thing is never to skip lunch, as it can lead to gastric problems. It is best to eat a balanced meal during lunch. You can add salad, soup, multi-grain bread, chicken, cottage cheese, green leafy vegetables, legumes, beans, well as pulses to lunch. 


Elderly people should eat early dinner to stay healthy and fit. You can add light meals to dinner, like salads, roasted vegetables, fish, etc. If you get hungry between lunch and dinner, you can eat healthy snacks like oats, cookies, smoothies, yogurt, etc. 

What Should An Elderly Person Eat?

The elderly are prone to malnutrition, so they should consume only foods that are rich in essential nutrients, such as fruits and vegetables. A portion of the food should consist of dairy products, which are rich in calcium and protein. Here are some things an elderly person should eat. 

Fruits and Vegetables

It is important for older adults to eat a varied diet full of fruits and vegetables. The higher their intake, the less likely they will develop chronic diseases or functional limitations. The consumption of fruits and vegetables protects the body from these conditions and may help them live longer. To help make eating vegetables and fruits more appealing to an older adult, try adding them to meals. 

Fiber-Rich Foods

A good source of fiber is wholegrain bread, brown rice, and pasta. They are high in insoluble fiber and can reduce cholesterol in the blood. Other good sources of fiber are pulses and oats. Potatoes are a starchy food that should be included in the diet, as they are high in vitamin A and fiber. Sweet potatoes contain vitamin B, zinc, and magnesium, which can benefit the health of the heart and digestive tract. Furthermore, beta-carotene can reduce the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration in the eyes.

Dairy and Alternatives

For many elderly people, dairy foods are an essential part of a balanced diet. These foods contain a significant amount of calcium and other nutrients. They can be added to salads, sandwiches, jacket potatoes, pasta dishes, and more. Even a warm glass of milk can be a pleasant treat.

Fish, Eggs. Beans And Proteins

Proteins are essential to a healthy diet for older people. They help your body fight infection and are used as energy. Older adults should choose foods that are high in protein and low in saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium. You can also get protein from a variety of plant sources. A higher protein intake may delay age-related muscle loss and improve bone health. 

Oils And Spreads

When selecting oils and spreads for an elderly person, look for ingredients that are high in healthy fats. The body needs fat for proper function, to provide calories, and to absorb fat-soluble vitamins. Choose unsaturated fats over trans fats, which raise the unhealthy LDL cholesterol and lower the beneficial HDL cholesterol. 

Healthy Eating Tips for Elderly People

As we age, our eating habits can change, and sometimes we have to modify our habits to accommodate our new needs. For example, some elderly people may be on a special diet and require assistance with shopping and preparing meals. No matter how difficult it may be, healthy eating is always an important part of aging well. Here are some healthy eating tips for seniors. 

Cutting Down On Salt

There are a number of ways to reduce salt in your meals for the elderly. Start by checking the nutritional labels on the foods you buy. If you find that food has too much salt, try substituting a lower-sodium version. You can also ask the restaurant to reduce the amount of salt on the menu if possible. Cutting down on salt can also help lower blood pressure in people who have high blood pressure. This is a great way to lower the risk of cardiovascular disease and congestive heart failure. 

Cutting Down On Sugar

A simple way to cut down on sugar in an elderly person’s diet is to cut out processed foods. These often contain large amounts of sugar and salt. You can also cut out the sugar in dairy products and condiments. Cutting out these foods can have a big impact on a senior’s health. Sugar is also an energy-dense food, so reducing the amount can help an elderly person control their weight. In addition to cutting sugar, you should also reduce portion sizes. 

Avoid Processed Foods

Processed foods are not good for the elderly. They can cause inflammation, and this can lead to cognitive decline. You should avoid foods containing high levels of sugar and fat. If you don’t like these ingredients, choose alternative healthy choices. The best way to prevent dementia is to reduce your elderly person’s intake of processed foods. Another way to avoid processed foods is to limit the amount of packaged foods you buy. Instead of buying processed foods, choose natural ones. 

Avoid Alcohol

One of the best ways to help your elderly loved one is to avoid alcohol while they’re eating. Although it can be tempting to indulge in a drink or two, alcohol abuse can be dangerous. Alcohol can interact with medications and can make some conditions worse. Generally, physicians recommend that individuals over the age of 60 avoid alcohol. 

Reasons Why Good Nutrition Is Essential For Seniors

Eating healthy is important at any age, but it is especially critical for seniors due to their unique nutritional requirements. Adequate nutrition promotes good health, vitality, and quality of life. But many seniors do not eat well enough, leading to malnutrition and other complications. Some may even mistake a low-calorie intake for disease. Here are some reasons why good nutrition is essential for seniors. 

  • Helps to maintain a healthy weight
  • Reduces risk of chronic diseases
  • Boosts energy levels
  • Improves mental health
  • Supports bone health
  • Helps to stay healthy and fit
  • Improves overall immunity 
  • Increases lifespan


So, an elderly person should eat at least three balanced meals a day to stay healthy. The meals should include foods rich in iron, protein, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin D. Avoid foods that are high in sodium, sugar, and fats, and add fruits and vegetables to the diet. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How many meals a day should an elderly person eat?

You can eat smaller meals and have more nutritious snacks between. Eat at least 3 times per day.

  • Why do people abandon the elderly?

The abandoner may feel overwhelmed or believe they don’t have the resources necessary to take care of the victim. Elderly abandonment can be described as elder neglect or abuse in many states. Because many cases go unreported, statistics on elder abandonment are not available.

  • What food should elderly avoid?

Which foods are best for the elderly? Salt, sugar, and saturated trans fats should be avoided by your elderly friend. Avoid high-processed foods, sweetened carbonated beverages and fast food. It is food poisoning that they should be avoiding.

  • At what age do you start feeling aches and pains?

Tingan says most people feel back pain around the age of 40-60. It doesn’t have to be a concern if the pain starts earlier. Some people feel the effects of an older spine even as early as 30.

  • How do I get back in shape at age 70?

Aerobic exercise is important for seniors. They need to get at least 2 hours of exercise each week, such as brisk walking. This is about 30 minutes most days. Walking, dancing and tennis are endurance exercises that improve your energy, breathing and heart rate. Stretching and yoga are great ways to stay flexible.

  • At what age are you classed as elderly?

What is the average age of an older person? A person over 65 years old might generally be considered older. It is difficult to define an older person because biologically, people age at different rates. For example, someone 75 years old may be more healthy than someone 60.

  • Can a person be happy without a family?

Can you live happily without your family? Yes. The answer is yes. Humans have an amazing capacity to adapt, which makes it possible for us to deal with any situation. It is vital that the condition you are in be conscious of it.

  • Why do elderly refuse to exercise?

People with poor body image are afraid to exercise in public places or gyms (2,6). Older adults may be restricted from exercising due to chronic illness, disability, or joint pain (6,7). Some may be afraid of pain or further injury, others might simply think they are incapable of doing the job.

  • Are some people meant to be alone?

Singleness can cause anxiety and stress for some. Some people feel that their self-worth or self-esteem is diminished when they are not with someone. People who really enjoy being alone cherish moments of their solitude.

  • What age is middle age for a woman?

Recent research shows that middle age, which is the time between 40-65, can prove to be very difficult for women. Women are dealing not only with their biological needs, but also with family and work issues.

  • Can you build muscle at age 70?

You can still bulk up your muscle by pressing iron for seniors Researchers found that lifting weights can help people over 50 not only preserve but even increase muscle mass.

  • What is a person with no friends called?

A friendless person has no friends. He believed he was alone and was miserable. Synonyms for friendless: lonely, alone, abandoned, or isolated.

  • How much pension does a senior citizen get?

Benefits. Retirees receive a monthly pension between Rs 600 and Rs 1000, depending on the amount of state pension.

  • Is it normal to not have any friends?

It’s perfectly normal not to have close friends. This is not unusual and even normal. 1 in 5 people have no friends. It’s possible to imagine that each fifth person on your next walking trip has no friends.

  • Can an 80 year old get stronger?

Dr. Bean says that although working out isn’t going turn an 80-year-old, 90-year old or 100 year old into someone 40 years or older, most people can improve their strength and endurance.

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